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Exhibits & Prize Book 

Please ensure your exhibits are at the fairgrounds no later than 12:00pm on 

Thursday, Sept 18, 2025

Rules & Regulations

Youth Division

Junior : Preschool to Grade 8
Intermediate: Grades 9 to 12, age 18 (in school)


• Only enter one item per category unless otherwise stated
• Follow all instructions to the letter. If in doubt call the chairperson
• Above ground vegetables must have only a 2 inch stem (5 cm)
• Onions are not to be peeled. Carrots and potatoes, not to be washed, just dusted
• Remove all dead or dying flowers from your entries. Be sure to leave no buds.
• Ripe vegetables are to show no green. Green vegetables are to show no color other than green
• Entries are to contain only what is asked for
• When entry asks for plain white paper, paper should have no lines. Extra credit will be given to those who choose to decorate. Check that decoration is allowed.
• Vegetables should be all the same size and type in one category
• Oasis can be used for arrangements or designs
• When a category is to be named, we want what the article is: i.e. (pig, horse) and not a name for it i.e. (Sally/Joe)
• Pay attention to details



You can enter into grades above you but understand that you are
competing against older entrants.
• Date of the fair is Sept. 20, 21 and 22, 2024. Competition is FREE to juniors and intermediates
• Open to all youth up to the age of 18 yrs. old, at the time of the fair
• Home schooled children must leave their phone number with the secretary
• All work must be done by the child. Parents and teachers are encouraged to offer advise
and encouragement only
• All entries must be of current years work, unless otherwise stated
• Entry tags will be delivered to schools that request them. Tags will also be available at
the fair office beginning the week of the fair
• Directors will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged articles
• Only one entry is allowed in each category per exhibitor
Prize money - 1st—$2.00, 2nd-$1.50, 3rd-$1.00 unless otherwise stated. Prize money will be available for pick-up Friday, of the Fair, after 5:00 pm.
• Ribbons awarded up to sixth place
• Points—1st-6, 2nd-5, 3rd-4, 4th-3, 5th-2, 6th-1

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2025 BY 12:00pm


Entries can be brought to the fairgrounds: September 16, 9am to 5pm; September 17, 9am to 5pm; September 18, 9am to 9pm; September 9am to 12:30pm

• Entries must remain until 4:30pm on Sunday of the Fair

• Pickup for entries will be after 4:30 on Sunday until 5:30 pm, Monday from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Anything left after those times will be discarded. Embellishment is always welcomed as long as it doesn’t take away from what was required and is allowed.

Adult Division

• All exhibits must be genuine property of the member and entered in their name.

• Next year’s membership fees will be deducted from any prize money earned. Cost for membership is $5.00 for each person entering.

•  All entries must be made on the prescribed forms and no entry will be accepted after 12:00 PM (on Thursday, September 19, 2024)



1. All exhibits must be produced during the current year by the exhibitor unless otherwise stated.

2. Exhibitors may enter only 1 item per category unless otherwise stated

3. All exhibits of farm produce and manufactured articles must be up to required standards and weights.

4. All animals must be securely fastened while on the Fair Grounds. Exhibitors will be held responsible for any accidents or damage due to failure to observe this rule.

5. The decision of the judges shall, in all cases, be final, unless it can be shown that a by-law of the Society has been violated.

6. No person shall, in any way, interfere with the judges in the discharge of their duties.

7. Entry tickets shall be securely fastened to all exhibits

8. Hall exhibits must be in place by 12:45pm Thursday, September 19, 2024

9. All exhibits shall be at the owners risk. The Directors shall use every reasonable precaution for the safety of exhibits sent to the fair, but shall not compensate any exhibitor for articles lost, damaged or stolen.

10. No exhibit shall be removed from the Hall until after the doors are reopened AFTER 4:00 pm on Sunday, September 21, 2025.

11. An award will be presented for the most points in each section.

12. Protests, if any, shall be made in writing to the Secretary within 7 days of the close of the Fair and shall be accompanied by a deposit of ten dollars which shall be deemed forfeit if the protest is not sustained by the Board of Directors. Any member found guilty of willfully violating any by-law or regulation of this Society shall be liable for forfeiture of all prizes won, and loss of membership in the Society for a period at the discretion of the Board of Directors


When making an Entry the Exhibitor shall indemnify and Hold Harmless The Huntsville and District Agricultural Society, their members, agents and employees from and against all claims, demands, losses, cost, damages, actions, suits or proceedings by any third parties that may arise out of, or may attribute to all operations performed by or carried out by the Exhibitor, his agents, employees or servants, or anyone for whose acts he may be held liable, howsoever caused.

Huntsville & District Agricultural Society

407 Ravenscliffe Road, Huntsville, Ontario, P1H 1L7 705-789-9540

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